Greece Island of Ithaca - Meet the people of Ithaki 2006
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Yiorgos the lawyer
To be a lawyer anywhere in the world needs committment, dedication and years of study, but in Greece, where laws have a habit of changing, sometimes on a monthly basis, one can only imagin the daily 'catch up' that needs to be done to stay on top of it. Yiorgos, from Stavros, is in his last stages of this massive learning curve, and will, by the end of 2006, be fully qualified. He currently works as law clerk in the Taflambas office in Vathy, where he, with his friendly disposition, welcomes the clients and gets his practical experience through this island law practice. Yiorgos is passionate about his family, home and island, not to mention the law, in which he has invested many, many years of his young life to learn. He is just one of the new and upcoming faces of law in Greece, primed by the the many years of experience his current mentor, Mr. Taflambas, has to give him.