Monday May 6th 2013
If you're here on an organized holiday from a holiday company, either from the UK or from the Netherlands, then you're bound to have dealings with one or two of the people you'll see here. Judith Levy has made it a tradition for a bbq at her estate, Dendra, each Easter Monday, inviting various holiday reps, friends and guests to her beautiful home to celebrate the Easter season.
Judith, our bbq hostess and your Ionian Holidays rep, Lillia your part-tim Ross Holidays rep and organizer of a boat trip with picnic along with Mark, who also reps for Greek Islands in the south and Gillian for the north. Ester, one of the walking guides who also gives popular art workshops and Katrina, another walking guide who also gives Pilates training. Wishing you all a lovely holiday on Ithaki.