Ithaca Greece Summer Specials

Go back through the years of Summers on Ithaca Greece. Discover a vibrant collection of Summer Specials and events on Ithaca, Greece, documented in rich detail from 2003 to the present day. From lively carnivals and spirited parades to traditional summer festivals (panighiri) that bring the island’s culture to life, it’s all captured here. Relive the excitement of unforgettable parties, community celebrations, and notable presidential visits that have shaped the island’s summer scene over the years. This archive is a treasure trove of Ithaca’s most cherished summer moments, offering a glimpse into the heart and soul of this enchanting Greek island. Just click on a year to see what Ithaki celebrated then.
Revisit all your favourite Special Summer events from 2003 up unto the present. There are 1000's of memories packed into these years. If you remember the Summer Lodown Days, you can access them from What's New Menu - Summer Lodown.
Summer Specials
2019 - Present
There is so much to enjoy on, so many memories and so much fun to remember. Take a walk down memory lane or see how life was back then on Ithaki.