Helpful Phone Numbers

You just never know when you might need to get in touch, so here is a quick list to get you started.
Ithaca telephone area code - 26740
Dialling out - 00 Dialing In - + 30
Athens telephone area code - 210
Post code Southern Ithaca - 28300
Post code Northern Ithaca - 28301
City Hall: 26740 33481, 26740 32795
Port Authority: 26740 32909
Police Station: 26740 32205
Fire Service: 26740 33199, 26740 33499
Health Center Ithaca: 26740 32222
Regional Medical Center in Stavros: 26740 31207
Diagnostic Centre: 26740 32203
Electricity Company DEH: 26740 32201
Post Office: 26740 32386
Social Insurance Institute: 26740 33096
Bus Ithaca: 26740 32104
Center for Civilian Service: 26740 32110, 26740 32112
Forestry Office: 26740 33359
City Cinema: 26740 33422
Public Library: 26740 33448
K. Karavias 26740 32251
M. Maroulis 26740 33105
A. Andrianatos 26740 31333 Click here for more details
National Bank Of Greece: 26740 33801
Piraeus Bank: 26740 33820
Alpha Bank: 26740 33690
Archeological Museum: 26740 32200
Nautical Folklore Museum: 26740 33398
Archaeological Collection of Stavros: 26740 31305, 26740 23955
Odusseus Sea Taxi - 2674033581, 6972142374, 6974420950
Click here for webpage
Rotheis Magripis - 6945700214
Alexis - 6944686504
Dimos - 6944296623
Evpraxia / Xenofontas - 6945 877 518 or 6973 028 901 or 26740 31 396
Lolos - 6976670427
Nikakis - 6974648253
Paraskeuas - 69766997758
Sorokos - 6932238771
Spirokostas - 6957181173