
Tutors in music mathematics, languages and computers on Ithaca Greece island in the Ionian. Learn Greek or how to play an instrument or dance Greek dances while you are in Greece.
Computer Lessons and Helpdesk
Beginner to advanced lessons in software programmes, IT, networking and repair. Learn Adobe Photoshop, Cubase, Word, Email programmes among many others. Learn to protect your computer from Spam and virus infection. Get connected and be a part of the world community online without worry. Demetri Vlass is qualified in computer systems and CISCO, teaching school children to adults in an easy step by step way that gets you working or playing quickly and easily. Demetri also runs a local helpdesk for computer breakdowns and crashes. If you need help, call him. He is always willing to help.
Demetri Vlass
EMAIL: enquiries@ithacagreece.com
Mob/Cell/: +30 6976 150 922
Dance Lessons - Greek Traditional
Learn traditional Greek dances in a group from October to May each year. Enjoy getting into the culture of Greece through movement with dances from around the Greek islands and Mainland Greece.
Emilia Illia
Email: charilaostsigonias1998@gmail.com
Mob/Cell/: +30 6936 879 366
English Lessons
From Beginner to Advanced English language lessons. Available throughout the year. Please call for more information
Mob/Cell/: +30 6942 479 794
Greek Lessons
For beginner to advanced lessons all year around. For further information please call us.
Mob/Cell/: +30 6974 904 023
Guitar and Bass Lessons
Learn guitar from Beginners to Advanced in Classical, Jazz, Rock, Folk and Heavy Metal styles. Demetri can also teach you traditional Greek songs for your repertoir. He has been teaching the locals for about 10 years. Whether you just want to learn a few songs or seriously study musical notation and composition, become a lead or chordal technician, you can learn it here with Demetri Vlass.
EMAIL: enquiries@ithacagreece.com
Mob/Cell/: +30 6976 150 922
Beginners to advanced mathematics for all ages and also for those sitting for final exams. Poppy Pagoulatou has a degree in Mathematics and Economics from Athens University in Greece and is fluent in English and Greek. Poppy lived and worked as an Accountant and database programmer and designer for 5 years in London, UK before settling on Ithaca. Note: Poppy does not tutor during May to end of October.
Poppy Pagoulatou
Email: poppynek@otenet.gr
Mob/Cell/: +30 6984 308 067
Ithaca Greece - Learn the Greek language, dance the greek dance, get your computer problems solved or learn to play an instrument.